2009年9月-2013年7月 内蒙古大学物理科学与技术学院教师;
2017年11月-至今 内蒙古科技大学理学院教师。
1. 纳米光学功能材料:(1)选择性光吸收材料,包括纳米晶钨青铜和稀土硼化物等;(2)透明隔热玻璃。
2. 第一性原理理论计算:(1)稀土化合物的电子结构;(2)光学材料的性能调控。
(2)主持内蒙古自治区高等学校“青年科技英才”项目,项目编号:NJYT24062,2024年1月-2026 年12月。
(1)2024 年获有科出版社“优秀青年编委”奖。
(2)2023 年被评为自治区高校“青年科技英才”。
1. Lihua Peng, Luomeng Chao*(通讯作者), Ziqing Xu, Haibin Yang, Dapeng Zheng,Boxuan Wei, Changwei Sun, Hongzhi Cui, High-efficiency energy-saving buildings utilizing potassium tungsten bronze heat-insulating glass and polyethylene glycol/expanded energy storage blanket, Energy 255 (2022) 124585.
2. Luomeng Chao, Changwei Sun, Lihua Peng, Jiaxin Li, Miao Sun, Lihong Bao, Jia Liu, Yonghong Ma, Passive energy-saving buildings realized by the combination of transparent heat-shielding glass and energy storage cement, Construction and Building Materials, 365 (2023) 130023.
3. Luomeng Chao, Jiaxin Li, Lihong Bao, Sihua Ha, Lihua Peng, Jinyan Niu, Jia Liu, Yonghong Ma, Theoretical and experimental study on optical properties of lanthanum tungsten bronze in visible and near-infrared region, Ceramics International, 49 (2023) 21017-21025.
4. Luomeng Chao, Changwei Sun, Jiaxin Li, Miao Sun, Jia Liu, Yonghong Ma, Influence of size and shape on optical properties of cesium tungsten bronze: An experimental and theoretical approach, Ceramics International, 48 (2022) 6436-6442.
5. Lihua Peng, Ziqing Xu, Luomeng Chao*(通讯作者), Dapeng Zheng, Haibin Yang, Changwei Sun, Hongzhi Cui, New energy-saving building developed by using polyethylene glycol/halloysite nanotube energy-storage blanket and heat-insulating glass with NaxWO3@SiO2 nano-coating, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 250 (2023) 112074.
6. Luomeng Chao, Lihong Bao, Wei Wei, O. Tegus, A review of recent advances in synthesis, characterization and NIR shielding property of nanocrystalline rare-earth hexaborides and tungsten bronzes, Solar Energy, 190 (2019) 10-27.
7. Na Ta, Jingyi Huang, Shuai He, W. Hanggai, Luomeng Chao*(通讯作者), Applications of optical control materials based on localized surface plasmon resonance efect in smart windows, Tungsten, 6 (2024) 711-731.
8. Jing Zhao, Lei Gao, Jianjun Zhao, Wei Wei, Huiqin Yun, Ru Xing, Huaijin Ma, Xiang Jin, Luomeng Chao*(通讯作者), Magnetocaloric efect and phase transition critical behavior of La0.75Sr0.25Mn0.9Co0.1O3 compound synthesized under the high pressure, Tungsten, 6 (2024) 621-632.
9. Luomeng Chao, Changwei Sun, Qunwei Shu, Jia Liu, Lihua Xiao, Evaluation of the optical properties of various-shaped andcore-shell-structured lanthanum hexaboride nanoparticles basedon discrete dipole approximation, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy &Radiative Transfer, 272 (2021) 107806.
10. Luomeng Chao, Changwei Sun, Jianyong Dou, Jiaxin Li, Jia Liu, Yonghong Ma, Lihua Xiao, Tunable transparency and NIR-shielding properties of nanocrystalline sodium tungsten bronzes, Nanomaterials, 11 (2021) 731.
11. Luomeng Chao, Changwei Sun, Jiaxin Li, Miao Sun, Jia Liu, Yonghong Ma, Transparent heat shielding properties of core-shell structured nanocrystalline CsxWO3@TiO2, Nanomaterials, 12, (2022) 2806.
12. Changwei Sun, Jia Liu, Luomeng Chao*(通讯作者), Theoretical analysis on optical properties of Cs0.33WO3 nanoparticles with different sizes, shapes and structures, Materials Letters, 272 (2020) 127847.
13. Luomeng Chao, Lihong Bao, Wei Wei, Tegus O, Zhidong Zhang, First-principles study on the electronic structure, phonons and opticalproperties of LaB6under high-pressure, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 672 (2016) 419-425.
14. Luomeng Chao, Lihong Bao, Wei Wei, Tegus O, Zhidong Zhang, Effects of nanoparticle shape and size on optical properties of LaB6, Plasmonics, 11 (2016) 697-701.
15. Luomeng Chao, Lihong Bao, Wei Wei, O. Tegus, Optical properties of Yb-doped LaB6 from first-principles calculation, Modern Physics Letters B, 30 (2016) 1650091.
16. Luomeng Chao, Lihong Bao, Junjie Shi, Wei Wei, O. Tegus, Zhidong Zhang, The effect of Sm-doping on optical properties of LaB6 nanoparticles, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 622 (2015) 618-621.
17. Luomeng Chao, Lihong Bao, O. Tegus, Optical response of CeB6 nanoparticles with different sizes and shapes from Discrete-Dipole Approximation, Chinese Physics Letters, 32 (2015) 043301.
18. Jia Liu, Xiao Kun Ji, Miao Sun, Feng Chi, Luo Meng Chao, Yong Hong Ma, Linear photogalvanic effects in Janus monolayer MoSSe with intrinsic defects, Optics & Laser Technology, 159 (2023) 108946.
19. Xueyuan Wang, Lihong Bao, Jun Wang, Xiaojian Pan, TaNa Bao, Luo Meng Chao, Juming Liu, Zizhong Liu, Construction of metallic nanocrystalline TaB2 coupled with TiO2 for enhanced photocatalytic degradation, Ceramics International, 49 (2023) 5964-5976.
20. Jia Liu, YongHong Ma, Feng Chi, LuoMeng Chao, JinYan Niu, Linear photogalvanic effects in monolayer WSe2 with defects, Optics Express, 31 (2023) 12026-12035.
21. Shuai He, Shukai Ma, Hang Gao, Qian Guan, Shuang Zheng, Jun Qiao, Luomeng Chao, Yonghong Ma, Cyan gallate phosphor luminescence enhanced and the full-spectrum WLED applications, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 35 (2024) 1625.
22. Shuang Zheng, Shukai Ma, Shuai He, Qian Guan, Luomeng Chao, Jun Qiao, Yonghong Ma, Luminescence properties and energy transfer of broadband NIR phosphor Li2MgZrO4: 1.0%Cr3+, y%Yb3+, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2024, 124200.
23. Shuai He, Shukai Ma, Qian Guan, Shuang Zheng, Luomeng Chao, Jun Qiao, Yonghong Ma, Eu3+ hypersensitive transition modulation: A novel red garnet phosphors with high color purity and excellent thermal stability, Journal of Luminescence, 269 (2024) 120454.
24. Haodong Lv, Jinxiao Bao, Luomeng Chao, Xiwen Song, Shengli An, Fen Zhou, Qingchun Wang, Fei Ruan, Wen Zhang, Wenrong Guo, Yonghe Zhang, Development mechanism of Ce-doped red zirconia ceramics preparedby a high-temperature reduction method, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 797 (2019) 931-939.
25. Xiaojian Pan, Lihong Bao, Luomeng Chao, Kefu Chao, Zizhong Liu, Structural and photoluminescence properties of CaNb2O6:Tb3+ green phosphor: Nanocrystalline TbB6 as a new type efficient activator, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 623 (2021) 413352.
26. Lihong Bao, Xiaoping Qi, Tana, Luomeng Chao, O. Tegus, Synthesis, and magnetic and optical properties of nanocrystalline alkaline-earth hexaborides, CrystEngComm, 18 (2016) 1223.
27. Lihong Bao, Luomeng Chao, Yingjie Li, Ming Ming, B. Yibole, O. Tegus, SmB6 nanoparticles: Synthesis, valence states, and magnetic properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 651 (2015) 19-23.
28. Lihong Bao, Lumen Chao, Wei Wei, O. Tegus, Tunable transmission light in nanocrystalline La1-xEuxB6, Materials Letters, 139 (2015) 187-190.
29. Lihong Bao, Xiaoping Qi, Tana, Lumen Chao, O. Tegus, Effects of induced optical tunable and ferromagnetic behaviors of Ba doped nanocrystalline LaB6, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 18 (2016) 19165.
30. 包黎红,朝洛蒙,伟伟,特古斯,稀土硼化物LaxCe1−xB6亚微米粉的制备及光吸收研究,物理学报,64 (2015) 096104.
31. 程大伟,包黎红,张红艳,潘晓剑,那仁格日乐,赵凤岐,特古斯,朝洛濛,蒸发冷凝法制备超细CeB6和SmB6纳米粉末及可见光穿透特性,物理学报,68 (2019) 246101.
32. E Wu, Jia Liu, Luomeng Chao, Jun Qiao, Jinyan Niu, Jianli He, Yong Zhang, Yonghong Ma, Generation of quadripartite continuous-variable entanglement in two coupled opto-mechanical systems, Laser Physics, 30 (2020) 065205.
33. Gerile Naren, Tianyi Ren, Lihong Bao, Luomeng Chao, O. Tegus, Preparation and optical absorption properties of ternary rare earth boride LaxPr1-xB6 submicron powders, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 20 (2020) 5064-5069.
34. Xiaoping Qi, Lihong Bao, Luomeng Chao, O. Tegus, Experimental and theoretical investigation on tunable optical property of nanocrystalline Ca-doped CeB6, Physica B: Condensed Matter, 530 (2018) 312-316.
35. 祁小平,包黎红,潮洛蒙,特古斯,蒸发冷凝法制备超细LaB6纳米粉末及表征,稀有金属,40 (2016) 1076-1080.
36. Tao Shang, Qingshan Lu, Luomeng Chao, Yanli Qin, Yuehou Yun, Guohong Yun, Effects of ordered mesoporous structure and La-doping on the microwave absorbing properties of CoFe2O4, Applied Surface Science, 434 (2018) 234-242.
37. Tao Shang, Qingshan Lu, Jianjun Zhao, Luomeng Chao, Yanli Qin, Ningyu Ren, Yuehou Yun, Guohong Yun, Novel three-dimensional graphene-like networks loaded with Fe3O4 nanoparticles for efficient microwave absorption, Nanomaterials, 11(2021) 1444.
38. Wei Wei, Lihong Bao, Yingjie Li, Luomeng Chao, O. Tegus, Solid-state reaction synthesis and characterization of PrB6 nanocrystals, Journal of Crystal Growth, 415 (2015) 123-126.
39. Chengjun Zhu, Cuishan Yi, Luomeng Chao, Preparation and performance of Pr-doped Ba0.5Sr0.5Co0.8Fe0.2O3-& cathode for IT-SOFCs, Journal of Rare Earths, 29 (2011) 1070-1074.
40. Tiezhu Ding, Luomeng Chao, Wenliang Fan, Jun Zhang, Investigation on oxygen chemical diffusion properties of perovskite oxides (La1-xPrx)0.6Sr0.4Co0.8Fe0.2O3-&, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 21 (2012) 95-100.
一种钨青铜掺杂隔热玻璃及其制备方法,2023.07.08,ZL 2023 1 0832568.9