2006年9月―2010年1月 北京航空航天大学 物理科学与核能工程学院 博士研究生;
2008年9月―2009年9月 美国明尼苏达大学 电子工程系 博士生联合培养;
2021年9月―2022年8月 清华大学 物理系 访问学者;
2024年8月―2025年8月 新加坡国立大学 量子技术中心 访问学者;
2010年4月-2015年11月 内蒙古科技大学 理学院 副教授;
2015年12月至今 内蒙古科技大学 理学院 教授。
(1)国家自然科学基金:基于帕尔贴效应的马约拉纳束缚态探测方法研究。项目编号:No. 12264037,2023年-2026年
(3)国家自然科学基金:多量子比特中的热自旋效应。项目编号:No. 11147010,2012年-2014年
(4)自治区直属高校基本科研业务费(科技领军人才):单层Janus半导体材料光电效应研究。项目编号:No. 2023RCTD015,2023年-2025年
(5)内蒙古自然科学基金:核小体结构的物理建模分析及其应用。项目编号:No. 2021MS03036,2021年-2023年
(8)2018年荣获“内蒙古科技大学师德先进个人” 称号;
1.Xiao Kun Ji, Jia Liu*. Effect of doping on the photogalvanic effect in monolayer MoSSe nanoribbons. AIP Advances, 2024,14, 085122.
2. Jia Liu*, Jin Yan Niu*, Yong Hong Ma, Feng Chi, ZiChuan Yi, LiMing Liu. Linear photogalvanic effects in monolayer ternary metallic compounds Na2MgSn. Optics Express, 2023, 31(17) 28040-28050.
3. Jia Liu*, Yong Hong Ma, Feng Chi, Luo Meng Chao, Jin Yan Niu*. Linear Photogalvanic effects in monolayer WSe2 with defects. Optics Express, 2023, 31(8) 12026-12035.
4. Jia Liu*, Xiao kun Ji, Miao Sun, Feng Chi, Luo Meng Chao, Yong Hong Ma. Linear photogalvanic effects in Janus monolayer MoSSe with intrinsic defects. Optics and Laser Technology, 2023, 159: 108946.
5. Miao Sun, Jia Liu*, Feng Chi. Photogalvanic effects in Janus monolayer In2SSe with vacancy defects. Physica E-Low Dimensional system Nanostructures, 2023, 145:115467.
6. Jun Qiao, Siyan Jia, Shuai He, Jia Liu*, and Yonghong Ma*. Modification of the green CSS:Ce3+ phosphor by ion substitution for obtaining an orange phosphor for white LEDs. J Mater Sci: Mater Electron, 2023, 34:1127.
7. Luomeng Chao, Changwei Sun, Jiaxin Li, Miao Sun, Jia Liu*, Yong Hong Ma*. Influence of size and shape on optical properties of cesium tungsten bronze: An experimental and theoretical approach. Ceramics International, 2022, 48(5): 6436-6442.
8. Luomeng Chao, Changwei Sun, Lihua Peng*, Jiaxin Li, Miao Sun , Lihong Bao, Jia Liu, Yonghong Ma*.High efficiency energy-saving buildings realized by the combination of transparent heat-shielding glass and energy storage cement. 2023, 365:15, 130023.
9. Luomeng Chao, Changwei Sun, Jiaxin Li, Miao Sun, Jia Liu*, Yonghong Ma*. Transparent Heat Shielding Properties of Core-Shell Structured Nanocrystalline CsxWO3@TiO2. Nanomaterials, 2022, 12, 2806.
10.Tian Tian Wang, Jia Liu*. Giant Photogalvanic effect in Janus monolayer InSSe. Optics Communications, 2021, 492(20): 126945.
11.Tian Tian Wang, Jia Liu*. Thermoelectric effect in Janus monolayer In2SSe. Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, 2021, 16(1): 119-125.
12.Ke Man Li, Jia Liu*. Differential Conductance and Spin Current in Hybrid Quantum Dot-Topological Superconducting Nanowire. Quantum Information Processing, 2021, 20:177.
13. Luomeng Chao, Changwei Sun, Qunwei Shu, Jia Liu*, Lihua Xiao*. Evaluation of the optical properties of various-shaped and core-shell-structured lanthanum hexaboride nanoparticles based on discrete dipole approximation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 2021, 272:107806.
14. Luomeng Chao, Changwei Sun, Jianyong Dou, Jiaxin Li, Jia Liu, Yonghong Ma*and Lihua Xiao*, Tunable Transparency and NIR-Shielding Properties of Nanocrystalline Sodium Tungsten Bronzes. Nanomaterials, 2021,11: 731.
15. Jia Liu*, Ke Man Li. Probing the Majorana bound states in a hybrid nanowire double-quantum-dot system by scanning tunneling microscopy. Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29(7): 077302.
16. Feng Chi, Zhen-Guo Fu*, Jia Liu, Ke-Man Li, Zhigang Wang and Ping Zhang. Thermoelectric Effect in a Correlated Quantum Dot Side-Coupled to Majorana Bound States. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2020, 15:79.
17. Lan Hong, Feng Chi, Zhen Guo Fu , Yue Fei Hou, Zhigang Wang, Ke Man Li, Jia Liu, Haiyan Yao, and Ping Zhang. Large enhancement of thermoelectric effect by Majorana bound states coupled to a quantum dot.Journal of Applied Physics, 2020, 127:124302.
18. Changwei Sun, Jia Liu, Luomeng Chao*. Theoretical analysis on optical properties of Cs0.33WO3 nanoparticles with different sizes, shapes and structures. Materals Letters, 2020, 272:127847.
19. E Wu, Jia Liu, Luo Meng Chao, Jun Qiao, Jin Yan Niu, Jian Li He, Yong Zhang and YongHong Ma*.Generation of quadripartite continuous-variable entanglement in two coupled opto-mechanical systems. Laser Physics, 2020, 30: 065205.
20. Yong-Hong Ma, Xin-Ru Liu, Jia Liu, Jin-Yan Niu, Yong Zhang, E Wu and Quan-Zhen Ding. Steady-State Spin Squeezing Generated in Diamond Nanostructures Coupled to Carbon Nanotubes. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2020, 59:1306-1314.
21. Jia Liu*, Yun Zhou. Effects of the spin heat accumulation on the heat generation in a quantum dot coupled leads. Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 2018, 190:67-77.
22. Jia Liu, Song Wang, XiaoHong Du. Pumped spin-current in single Quantum Dot with spin-dependent electron temperature. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55:4036-4043.
23. Song Wang, Jie Cheng, Yun Zhou, Jia Liu*.Thermal bias on the pumped spin-current in a two-level quantum dot. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2016, 55: 2755-2763.
24. Jia Liu*, Jie Cheng. A quantum dot spin qubit with thermal bias. Quantum information processing, 2015, 14(2): 479-489.
25. Jia Liu*, Jie Cheng, Song Wang. External Magnetic Field on the Thermoelectric and thermospin Effect in a Quantum Dot. Physica Scripta, 2014, 89: 085701.
26. Jia Liu*, Jie Cheng, Song Wang. The effect of thermal bias on the spin-state manipulation in a quantum dot. Physica B:Condensed Matter, 2014, 450:30-33.
27. Jia Liu*, Jie Cheng. Thermal bias on the pumped spin-current in a single quantum dot. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2014, 62(1):86-90.
28. Jia Liu*, XiaoHong Du. Thermal entanglement in a two-qubit Heisenberg XXZ spin chain under a single pulse magnetic field. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2013, 52:2623-2630.
29. Jia Liu*, ZengRu Zhao, WeiLi Chen. The effects of a uniform magnetic field on a three-qubit Ising spin Model. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2012, 51:487-495.
30. Jia Liu*, GuoQing Liu, XiaoHong Du. The effect of impurities in a three-qubit Ising spin Model. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2012, 51:1509-1517.
31. Jia Liu, Guofeng Zhang, Ziyu Chen. Quantum information transfer in a two-parallel spin-chain channel with internal and external effect. International Journal of Quantum information, 2010, 24, 10:1279-1288.
32. Jia Liu, Guofeng Zhang, Ziyu Chen. Influence of magnetic field on the SWAP operation in Heisenberg XXZ model. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 2009, 404: 1116-1118.
33. Jia Liu, Ziyu Chen, Shenping Bu, Guofeng Zhang. Entanglement for a bimodal cavity field interacting with a two-level atom. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2009, 52, 1:133-136.
34. Jia Liu, Ziyu Chen, Guofeng Zhang. The quantum state transfer via a two-spin Heisenberg XXZ spin model. Physics Letter A, 2008, 372: 2830-2833.
35. Jia Liu, Ziyu Chen. Spin splitting of the bound polaron's ground state binding energy induced by the Rashba Spin-obit interaction under the perpendicular magnetic field. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2008, 22: 1923-1932.
36. Shenping Bu, Guofeng Zhang, Jia liu, Ziyu Chen. Berry phase in a two-atom Jaynes-Cunnings model with Kerr medium. Physica Scripta, 2008, 78, 065008.
37. Guofeng Zhang, Jia Liu. Entanglement in a generalized JC model. Chinese Physics, 2007, 16: 1-06.
38. Jia Liu, Ziyu Chen, Shufeng Huo, Jingling Xiao. Properties of a bound polaron under a perpendicular magnetic field. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2007, 48: 930-934.
39. Jia Liu, Jinglin Xiao. Bound polaron in a polar semiconductor heterojunction in static electric field. International journal of modern physics B, 2006, 19: 2359-2368.
40. Jia Liu, Jinglin Xiao. Zero-magnetic-field spin splitting of the polaron’s ground state energy induced by the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2006, 46: 761-765.
41.慕利娟,陈伟丽,牛金艳,杜永胜,刘佳. 混合式教学在大学物理“重修”课中的实践. 物理通报, 2022, 2: 30-33, 37.
42.潮洛蒙,刘佳. 新形势下近代物理实验教学改革探讨.科技视野,2021,5:25-26.
43.陈伟丽,慕利娟,牛金艳,刘佳. 停课不停学 上好每节课. 大学物理,2021, 40(5): 60-61,77.
44.牛金艳,刘佳,慕利娟,何健丽,陈伟丽.疫情期间工科院校大学物理线上教学模式探究. 大学物理,2021, 40(3): 48-50.
45.陈华,杜永胜,赵增茹,刘佳,李永治. 基于概念图的PBL教学方法对气体动理论教学研究. 物理通报, 2020, 39(12): 28-32.
46.陈伟丽,武晓霞,刘佳,牛金艳. 提高本科力学课程教学质量的实践与探索,科技视界,2018, 18:61-62.
47.董玉和,马永红,刘佳.课堂教学中教师须遵循的普遍原则,物理与工程,2016.S1: 146-150.
48.陈伟丽,杜晓红,刘佳. 日常生活实例与力学中的常见力,科技视界,2016, 1163:68.
49.刘佳,杜晓红,张雪峰.大学物理课堂教学研究.科技信息, 2014, 13: 48
50.刘佳.物理建模融入大学物理课堂教学, 2014年全国高等学校物理基础课程教育学术研讨会论文集,78-80.
51.刘佳.电磁学与电动力学课程体系创新研究. 科技信息, 2013, 11: 44.
52.牛金艳,刘佳. 光学教学改革. 科技创新导报, 2011, 36:164.
53.刘佳,徐平,陈子瑜,Jacques Tabuteau. 利用白光干涉谱测定云母片的快慢轴. 大学物理, 2011, 30 (9):43-44.
54.刘佳,徐平,陈子瑜,Jacques Tabuteau. 诺莫图法在薄透镜和球面镜成像分析中的应用. 大学物理, 2010, 29 (6):6-8.